Each operation on a file handle open, read, write, rewind, truncate, and close, for example affects the state of the file. 文件句柄上的每个操作(例如open、read、write、rewind、truncate和close)影响文件的状态。
When an application opens a file handle to read in so it can process a document, it typically reads from the file and then has no further need for the file handle. 当应用程序打开一个文件句柄读取文件以处理文档时,它通常读取文件后就不再需要文件句柄了。
Based upon successful GETATTRs and LOOKUPs, the client creates a file handle that is provided to the user for future requests. 基于以上成功的GETATTRs和LOOKUPs,客户端创建文件句柄,为用户的未来需求而提供的。
As we have explained, the registry and batch file handle launching the TCP client. 正如我们已经说明的那样,注册表和批处理文件将处理TCP客户机的启动。
Furthermore, it retrieves and retains the mappings for every file to its file handle. 此外,还检索每个文件的映射,并保存到到其文件句柄中。
The server provides a root file handle that represents the top of the file system tree exported by the server. 服务器提供了一个root文件句柄,对应于服务器导出的文件系统树的顶。
Here, the layout enumerates the servers that hold the pieces of the file, the size of the stripe on each server, and the NFS file handle of each segment. 在这里,布局枚举持有文件片段的服务器、每个服务器上文件片段的大小,以及每个片段的NFS文件句柄。
The server returns a file handle and state information. 服务器会返回一个文件句柄和状态信息。
The READ consists of the file handle, state, offset, and count for the read. READ包含文件句柄、状态、偏移、和读取计数。
File handle persistence over the lifetime of the file system object it referred to was a difficult requirement to meet for some older NFS server implementations. 文件句柄要在它所引用的文件系统对象的生命周期内持久保持,这对一些老的NFS服务器实现来说是一个很难满足的要求。
And, of course, you have to do all this in a try/ catch/ finally block that will handle exceptions and close the file handle when finished. 当然,在try/catch/finally块中必须要完成这些操作,它要处理异常并在结束时关闭文件句柄。
With fclose, there is little to do if the file handle does not close properly, so checking the return value for fclose is generally unnecessary. 使用fclose时,即使文件处理未正常关闭,也不会执行什么操作,因此通常不必检查fclose的返回值。
You need to create a file handle to identify it in the ZIP file structure. 需要创建文件句柄,才能在ZIP文件结构中识别文件。
Now, handing curl the new JPEG file handle produces exactly the results I want& almost. 现在,把新的JPEG文件句柄交给curl,结果几乎与我所期望的一样。
Only multiple attempts to save to a browser definition file or open a file handle can lock a browser definition file. 只有在多次尝试保存到浏览器定义文件或者打开某个文件句柄时,才会锁定浏览器定义文件。
File handle reference is no longer available. 文件句柄引用不再有效。
Assign this value as the new file handle. 将该值作为一个新文件句柄分配。
Usually contains the operating-system file handle. 常包含操作系统文件句柄。
An invalid file handle was associated with% 1. 与%1关联的文件句柄无效。
Creates and returns a file handle for the specified device. 为特定设备创建并返回文件句柄。
Gets a hash of the file with the specified file handle. 获取具有指定文件句柄的文件的哈希值。
Attempt to use a file handle to an open disk partition for an operation other than raw disk I/ O. 试图使用操作(而非原始磁盘I/O)的已打开磁盘分区的文件句柄。
Represents a wrapper class for a file handle. 表示文件句柄的包装类。
If the try block failed to open the file, the file handle will still be set to null. 如果try块未能打开文件,则文件句柄仍将设置为null。
Is no longer the file handle. 不再是一个文件句柄。
True if the file handle will be owned by this FileStream instance; otherwise, false. 如果文件句柄将由此filestream实例所有,则为true;否则为false。
Windows file handle for this file. 用于此文件的windows文件句柄。
A file handle for the file that the current FileStream object will encapsulate. 当前filestream对象将封装的文件的文件句柄。
The file handle is guaranteed to be closed by this method, even if exceptions are raised. 即使会引发异常,也使用此方法保证文件句柄已关闭。
A new file handle is allocated and returned. 分配并返回一个新文件句柄。